CNG Detection System Services From Commercial HVAC Experts

DMC provides commercial HVAC maintenance and inspections for businesses all across the Kansas City area. Our team of experts are fully trained and qualified to deal with any issue you may have, no matter the scale. 

Contact us today at 913-481-0505 to arrange an inspection or speak about your needs.

About Compressed Natural Gas Detection Systems in Commercial HVAC Units

At DMC Service, in addition to skilled commercial HVAC contractors, we have a dedicated Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) detection maintenance team. Our team is able to install, repair, and service CNG detection systems in commercial buildings and industrial facilities to protect against gas leaks.


A CNG detector monitors the concentration of different gases in the air, alerting you when levels surpass a safe threshold. These devices are crucial to protecting lives and equipment in areas where natural gases, like methane gas, are likely to accumulate and are primarily found in CNG vehicle maintenance shops.


The specialty CNG maintenance team at DMC provides businesses all over the Kansas City area with installation, maintenance, and repair services for CNG detection systems.

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How we help business with Compressed Natural Gas leak detector maintenance and installation

For one business, a global freight company, we were able to facilitate the conversion of their maintenance shop into a zero-flame environment so that their CNG-powered vehicles could be worked on safely. We also installed a CNG detection system with critical system sensors, using our “Diamond Process” to ensure the highest levels of safety were being met.


With 24/7 services, we can respond instantly to your requests and carry out same-day appointments. If you’re looking for CNG experts in the Kansas City area, contact DMC today and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible.

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Call us today at 913-481-0505 to speak to us about our preventative maintenance and inspections service.